Monday, December 1, 2008

Christmas Countdown - 24 Days!

I love Christmas! I love the way that I feel as I listen to Christmas music, decorate the tree, read the Christmas Story in Luke & bake some favorite goodies to share with family & friends. I have a lot of really happy Christmas memories, so I decided to do a Christmas countdown with some of my favorites. :)

24 Days Left until Christmas:
When I was little we always had Christmas dinner at my Granny's house. All of the adults would sit at the kitchen table, while the kids got to sit at a card table (or 2) in the front room. I remember that I always thought it was Sooooooo cool that they let us eat in the front room. I also remember us kids talking about how it was funny that we were eating in the room where there was carpet - something that wasn't usually allowed. We had a blast eating our yummy dinner and talking about all of the great gifts Santa had brought us. Now that I am an adult, (in theory at least!), I'm guessing that the grown ups enjoyed their "big kid" dinner & conversation as much as we enjoyed our little kid one!