Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Book Club!

This month we read "3 Weeks With My Brother" by Nicholas & Micah Sparks. This is one of my Favorite books - and I would reccomend it to everyone! It is just a fun, fun book that is totally enjoyable to read. The story is about these 2 brothers taking a trip around the world - but you also read about their childhood too. And there are some pretty fun stories in there!! It is one of those books that made me laugh so hard my stomach hurt - but then at other parts it made me cry.
One of my favorite quotes is Nicholas talking about his brother: "We don't only love each other, but like each other as well. My brother and I haven't had an argument - or even a disagreement- since we were little kids. He is, along with my wife, my best friend in the world. And if you asked him, he would say the same thing about me."
I LOVE that quote because that is the same kind of relationship I'm lucky enough to have with my siblings!