Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Countdown - 10 days!

Me & Lins - Christmas 2005 Picture this in your mind... It is Christmas time & Lins & I are little kids... Probably elementary school age. Lins has a friend over to play and everything is going swell. (don't ya love that word? swell!) Then Lindsay's friend, (who shall remain anonymous), starts singing the "Grandma got ran over by a reindeer" song. She made quite a mistake, though, when she started singing: "Amber got ran over by a reindeer." Lins grabbed her by her shirt and pushed her up against the wall saying: "What did you say?!? What did you say?!..... Get out!" She pointed to the door and made her friend leave. We have laughed about this story over and over and over again! And somehow, if one our siblings is getting picked on or something, this story is always pulled out of the archives. We always say we should warn people that if they pick on one of us - they pick on all of us!
(ok -so this isn't a very "Christmasey" memory... But it does involve a Christmas song, so that counts... right?!)


Brooke said...

I've never heard that one before. I love the story. I'll be sure not to mess with any of your fam. :)

Melissa said...

haha! That's awesome. Though hard to imagine, Lins can get a little fiesty at times :)

The Perkins Fam said...

Ya know... it seems to me, I was always the one Lins picked on. Well, more like tease. Maybe, I need a better back up system. Okay, I need to start sharing fun memories on our blog!!! By the way, the word verification for this entry was barphe, is that the fancy way to spell barf???