Friday, September 5, 2008

What about a handstand?!

Don't you just love to laugh? There is just something about a good, hard, tears rolling down your cheeks laugh that makes me feel So good!! And when I am with my mom & sisters, this happens a lot! Last night we went with my mom to her enrichment, (except Lins, who coudln't get off work early! We missed you girl!). We were getting ready to leave when I had this most random thought pop into my head. So I asked Erica, Aubs & my mom if they were ever afraid of things they really had no need to be afraid of. They said, like what? So I told them my fear that I really don't have to worry about: getting caught in Afghanistan. But I started laughing when I was telling them, and Erica said: "What about a handstand?" When she said that it just made me laugh harder, but I tried again to tell them: getting caught in Afghanistan. Erica: What?! At this point I don't think they could understand anything that was coming out of my mouth! Erica & I started laughing so hard, and Aubs was like: Lets go! (I think we were about to make a scene, & luckily she got us out of there in time!). So when we were in the car driving home they again asked me what I was talking about, & I said: getting caught in Afghanistan. They said: Oh! And then a minute later, Erica said: I still don't get it! So I explained how whenever I read a book about the Middle East (Kite Runner, 1,000 Splendid Suns, Reading Lolita in Tehran,etc) I always imagine: what if I was there! And it freaks me out! I just think it would be so scary to be there, especially to be a woman there. And then one day I was like: hello! I'm never going to Afghanistan, so I guess I can cross this off the worry list! Erica was like, "Oh, I get it! At first I heard you say afghan, so I thought you were talking about getting caught in an afghan, and I thought, what's the worst that could happen? Couldn't someone just cut you out?!"
Tee hee hee!


The Perkins Fam said...

Okay, if books about the Middle East give you undue worry I would stay away from Steven King :) You guys are too funny. I can just picture the laughter, which made me laugh :)