Thursday, September 25, 2008

Happy meal & happy kids!

Aubs is babysitting for a few days, and she called us this morning and asked if we wanted to go to McDonalds & then play on the playground! Of course we said yes. It was so much fun. And Scooter just sat right by me on the bench, without a high chair or anything! What a cute kid! Oh, he makes me so, so happy!

Here is Derek eating his chicken & fries. Playing on the playground - he was telling me he was "all done," in this picture!
Derek & Dillon. Derek loves to play with other little kids!

After lunch & playing, we played some more at the park! Here is Aubs, Derk & Dillon. Tonight Scooter went to play with Aubs & Dillon again. She watched him for us so we could go to the Temple. It was so great! I just love the feeling that I have in the temple. It made me think that I'm just so grateful for all of the things that Heavenly Father has given us that help us keep an eternal perspective & remember what is really important! What a happy day! :)