Thursday, September 11, 2008

I remember...

Because today is the anniversary of 9/11 - I couldn't help but remember where I was and what was happening 7 years ago. I still remember, as I'm sure most people do, what I was doing on that Tuesday morning. I was serving my mission & we were at district meeting. One of the elders came in & said they heard something about a bomb on the radio. At first me & my companion were like: what are you doing listening to the radio? (Since we're not supposed to listen to the radio while we're on our mission). Then we saw this lady that we knew and she was just crying, and we were like: what is going on?! It is not the easiest thing to find out what is happening when you are not supposed to watch TV or listen to the radio - so we had to rely on other people to tell us what happened. Everyone that we talked to that day, of course, updated us on what they knew. I remember when we woke up the next morning, Sister Bagwell & I were like: Is the world still standing? We went to our neighbors to find out if they had any new information, and then we went out and did missionary work.
I looked back in my journal to see what I wrote then: "All around there are signs that say things such as "God Bless America" & "United We Stand." There are also American flags waving on every corner and in front of almost every home!! It just makes me think that when disasters such as this strike, we all pull together. Suddenly our little differences don't matter anymore. We are all Americans."
I feel grateful to live in such a great country! I feel so thankful for the freedoms that I get to enjoy - I get to live with my sweet family, I get to worship God, I get to buy food, clothes, and all the other things I need! I get to say the things on my mind without being afraid, and So many other things! I am really grateful for the chance to just remember how wonderful freedom is -I know too often I really take it for granted.


Brooke said...

Hear, Hear!

The Perkins Fam said...

You are so great!!!

Keely said...

Yes, this was a sad day!!!I remember you telling me this story when I became your companion!