Saturday, September 6, 2008

Ryan, you are the Best!

I just have to say I've got the greatest hubby ever!! A few days ago he came home with the most beautiful flowers for me -- just because! It made my day, and made me feel so good! He is just the best, not just because of these beautiful flowers! He is always so thoughtful & doing things that make me feel so great. He always lets me talk when I need to just "get stuff out" (& that happens quite a bit!), and he laughs with me and is the greatest Daddy to Scooter! He always lets me be myself, and he loves me for that, even when it is the crazy me!! This list could just keep going & going, but I will just say that I love him so much & I feel so blessed to be married to him! I put the roses on the counter in our kitchen, and Scooter kept pointing up to them. He loved for me to lift him up so he could smell them! What a cutie! He's a lucky, lucky kid to have such a great Daddy for an example!


Angela said...

How sweet! "Just because" flowers are the best!

The Perkins Fam said...

Scooters face when he is smelling them is the cutest!! Don't ya just love great husbands? We must both have such good taste. Do you think it's because our hubbies have the same name??

Brian and Amelia said...

Oh, I'm so happy for you! What a great guy! You deserve him. . . and those gorgeous flowers! Yay for "just because" flowers!

Brooke said...

They are beautiful flowers! How fun and what a nice gift.