Thursday, September 25, 2008

Only in my dreams...

First I must say that I usually dream & remember my dreams, -it is rare for me not to remember them. That being said, my cousins Natalie & Brandi have run a few 5k races (way to go girls!). I recently told Nat via her blog how awesome I thought they were - and how I would only ever be able to do that in my dreams. Well... it is official - I ran a 5k, and I didn't even leave my house! Ok, I didn't even leave my bed, so I don't really get any running credit. But I really did run a 5k, it was just in my dream last night! Nat was even there with me. She was like a superhero, she was running so fast! I was running so hard trying to keep up with her! I hope I was burning some real life calories because it was quite a work out! So I kept running and running and finally made it to the end! I felt so good. I have no idea how it feels to finish a race in real life, but I felt totally awesome in my dream! Yay! And now, do you want to know the best part?! Somehow, in taking my jeans off to run the race, I missed putting on my running shorts! Don't worry, it wasn't anything scandalous, I had a really, really long shirt on - it came down past my knees (it must have been Ryan's!). I just said to Nat at the end of the race: "Oh, I hope my garments weren't showing!" Tee hee!


Brooke said...

Too Funny! I think my dreams all stem from some anxiety, so they're not pleasant. I'd like to hear more of yours, maybe it will inspire me. :)

The Perkins Fam said...

LOL!! See I told you you could do it. You should do one with us sometime. In my dreams I actually run the whole thing too; in reality I jog very little, but I'm working on it :)