Sunday, August 16, 2009

Playing at the park!

Erica was doggy sitting this past week - Casey's family was in California so she watched their dog, Copper, while they were gone! He is such a nice dog, and we had a fun time going to the park with them!

Scooter, Copper, Erica & Ry!
Walking with Copper! Scooter wanted to carry the camera for me! He's such a big helper!
Petting Copper! This dog is seriously so nice! He just let Scooter pet him & pet him! He's so sweet!
Climbing up to the slide. Copper climbed up too, and even tried out the slide!
We had such a fun time at the park - and it was a perfect evening! It was cool but not cold and just felt so nice outside!
*Also - on a side note, Ryan went back to the specialist this week and as of now it looks like his ankle is healing great and he Won't need to have surgery! YAY!! We are so happy & thought this was such great news! He was able to start physical therapy again on Friday and he can start "walking" with the crutches! Yay hooray! Hooray! Hooray!