Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Blogging for dummies?!

I really love putting new backgrounds on our blog- but I was wondering if anyone knows how to get a new background & still keep all your fun stuff on the side (links, etc) w/o having to re-type them in?! Maybe there is not a way to do that... but maybe there is! This is why I need "blogging for dummies!" ha ha!


Brian and Amelia said...

www.aquapoppydesigns.blogspot.com or www.thecutestblogontheblock.com are two that I know of. It's nice, because all you have to do is make sure your blog is set to minima template (a basic one), and then add a page element. Choose the HTML one, and copy the code from the blog that you like on their blogs, and just paste it in there! It should work. (They have directions on their blogs, if mine don't make sense!) But I found it WAY easier, and they are pretty cute! Good luck!

Amber Miyake said...

oh thank you! That is really helpful & I will check those 2 sites out! Thanks girl!