Thursday, October 16, 2008

It is just SCARY...

...that I have lived in this town for most of my life and I never knew that it was a celebrity hang out spot! Seriously! Several weeks ago we were driving somewhere & I saw Jack Nicholson driving a dump truck! How incognito is that? Then, the very next day Scooter & I were driving home, and we saw Hurley from "Lost" - riding a bike! Wow.... Okay, when we got closer I realized that not only was it not Hurley, but it was a girl! I sent out my silent apologies as quickly as possible!! After seeing those two, okay, that one celebrity, I have been keeping my eyes peeled when we are out & about, and we have spotted: ZZ Top driving by Walmart, Zac from the show "Bones" - we also saw Cory Snyder the baseball player (I'm totally serious about that one!!), Dwight from "The Office", Duff from "Ace of Cakes", Dennis Quaid (both of those celebs were seen by Aubs at work!), and Ryan and Aubs have seen Sayed (Sayeed?!?) also from "Lost" at the gym they go to! How amazing?! So, if you live in our town - keep your eyes open and you might just be surprised who you see! Hollywood can't keep their secret hideout a secret very much longer! Tee hee!