Monday, October 13, 2008

Catching Some Zzzzzz's...

So, Ryan fell asleep in what I thought was one of the most unusual places Ever! He had a dentist appointment last week - and he totally fell asleep while he was there! And, he was having a cavity filled - not just his teeth cleaned. He told me he was just listening to his MP3 player - and going to the dentist doesn't really make him nervous (apparently!!) - and the next thing he knew he kind of twitched and he was waking up! I really could not believe it when he told me that! I asked what the dentist did, because honestly I'm sure they don't see that everyday, and Ryan said he was kind of chuckling. How Funny!


Brian and Amelia said...

That is seriously hilarious!!!

The Perkins Fam said...

I too have napped at the dentist, mostly when they give me the gasm which is a sign you have had a little too much. You should try it. Totally takes all the anxiety out of the experience :)