Monday, September 28, 2009

The Black Hole!

While I was looking through pictures, I realized that we never posted a picture of the hole in the trampoline! So, here is the hole! People were so surprised when we told them Ry jumped right through the middle- people always assumed we meant that he jumped through the springs! Craziness! But we're just so glad that his ankle is healing so well! We're so happy that he didn't have to have surgery!!


Brooke said...

Can you get a refund?

The Perkins Fam said...

Ok, so I thought that the peanut butter bars had from your previous post had a whole in them to signify the whole in the trampoline. I was laughing really hard and then I read it was from Mauri's shoe. But it was still pretty funny either way :)

The Perkins Fam said...

Wow I just realized how bad all my spelling is on that post!! YIKES!! Hole not whole! Good grief!!

Keely said...

ouch! Good thing Ryan has such a good wife to take care of him when he hurts himself like that!

Amber Miyake said...

Brooke- it was kind of an old trampoline, so I don't think we can get a refund! Dang! :)

Nat- that would have been funny if there was a correlation between the hole in the tramp & in the peanut butter bars! :)

And Keely- we're just so glad he's getting better! I didn't realize how many things Ry did that I took for granted - until he couldn't do them 'cause he was on crutches! :)