Thursday, July 30, 2009

75 Wonderful, Great, Amazing Years!!

Yesterday was our awesome Granny's birthday! She turned 75!! We had a party at my moms house - and it was so fun to celebrate with Granny! We love her so much!! Here she is blowing out her candle...We only had one, so we re-lit it 75 times. Ha ha, just kidding! Once was just great!
T.J. and his girlfriend Chelsea came to celebrate with us! (Sid & his girlfriend Sammy & Wiley were also there - but I didn't get a picture of them!)
Ashley, Granny & Tood!
Ry, Aubs & Tyler!
I carved a watermelon just for fun, and I was impressed! It turned out better than I thought it would, and it was actually fun!!
We really feel so blessed to have such a great Granny! She has always done such fun things with us, like taking us camping since we were just kiddos (oh yay for flowerland!!) and letting us sleep over all the time and always making us the best pancakes ever - and loving and supporting us so much! We Love you TONS Granny!! Happy, Happy, Birthday!!


Brian and Amelia said...

She seems like an incredible woman! And your watermelon turned out incredible!! Great job!

Melissa said...

Has there been some kind of mistake? Your Granny does not look 75 years old!

Amber Miyake said...

Millie - she is pretty amazing! Aren't grandparents just so great?! And thanks for saying that about the watermelon! You're so sweet! It was fun to do it!

And Melissa - my Gran really is 75! Isn't that crazy?! She does look really young, huh?! :)