Thursday, April 9, 2009

This too shall pass...

I remember when I was in 8th grade Biology (I think it was 8th grade...) and my biology teacher was crazy. Seriously! He really scared me - and once he dunked a kid's head in the fish tank! (Did any of you have Mr. Maughn?!) I remember telling my Granny how much I dreaded going to Biology and she said to me : "This too shall pass." At the time I thought 8th grade was going to stretch on forever! Every day I had to go to this class with this teacher that seriously scared me and it seemed like it would never end!

Well now I look back on 8th grade and realize how fast things really do go by - just at the time it sometimes seems so long! Right now we are doing well - we are just having a hard time getting all the way healthy! Poor Scooter has Pneumonia. It started as croup last Thursday but he just wasn't getting better & he was sleeping on my shoulder or in my lap for most of the day. We took him back to our dr. yesterday & his oxygen levels were low- so he had to have a shot and a chest x-ray and they suctioned out his lungs. (I was a little freaked out when I heard he had to have his lungs suctioned - but it sounds worse than it is. He still didn't like it by any means, but they just put a very small tube in his nose & it gets all the gunk out!) We went back to the dr. today just to make sure his oxygen levels were up - but unfortunately they were not. So Scooter had another shot & another trip to the hospital for suctioning. Poor kiddo! We can tell that the shot & the other antibiotics hes taking are starting to help though- thank goodness! He is not sleeping all day any more & he's smiling, laughing & talking more! (oh I missed his sweet smile!!). Every time he gets sick I just feel a HUGE feeling of gratitude that he is normally so healthy. I don't know how parents who have chronically sick kids do it- I really can't imagine anything harder than having your sweet little kid really sick.

So anywho... We have another trip to the dr. tomorrow- so hopefully his oxygen levels will be up & he'll keep getting better! We're lucky that he's such a little trooper! And I just have to say- I'm so lucky that Ryan is so amazing! I was freaked out (ok - maybe more than a "little" freaked out! ha ha!) when I found out we had to go to the hospital to get his lungs suctioned, so Ryan left work to come with us! He is just the best!!


Melissa said...

Poor Scooter! I think you have a great attitude and believe that somehow our little children can feel the power of their parent's faith, optimism and gratitude when they need it most.

Amber Miyake said...

Oh Melissa- you're so sweet! Thanks for saying that! It was seriously just what I needed to hear! Thank you! :)

Angela said...

I never had Mr. Maughn...I'm glad I didn't though! That's too bad that Derek is feeling so awful. It's never fun as a parent to go to the Dr. or hospital with one of your little ones. I hope he gets feeling better soon.

Amber Miyake said...

Thanks Angela - I really appreciate that! :)
p.s. It's too bad you didn't have Mr. Maughn... Just kidding- it's good you didn't, he really was crazy!

The Perkins Fam said...

I didn't know he was sick :( I feel your pain. Once Liv had to have a tube in to get a urine sample and I had to leave the room because I couldn't take it. I hope he is feeling better. Maybe we will have to bring him a little prize when we do the book swap.
Oh and I never had Maughn, but I remember his classroom smelled awful!

Amber Miyake said...

Oh Nat I totally know what you mean about having to leave the room! Every time he has to have something I just wish I could have it done instead of him! Thanks for being concerned - and thanks for your txt earlier!
I'm excited to do another book swap tomorrow! I am going to look at my books and find some fun ones for you to borrow!
Thanks again! :)