Saturday, July 26, 2008

Derek's First Rodeo!

I love family traditions! One of our traditions is that we go to the rodeo in Spanish Fork on the 24th of July! My Granny always gets us great seats in the grandstands! This was Scooter's first rodeo, and I think he really liked it! His favorite part was when "The Wild Child" performed on his motorcycle! He just kept watching, and when that part was over he waved "bye bye" and did the sign for all done. It was so cute.

Here is Scooter sharing some animal crackers with Nana. Everyone was so great about helping us keep him entertained! He just moved up & down the line of people all night! He had so much fun, and so did we! Thanks everybody for your help! Here is Myke! I asked him if he was roasting in this hat, but he said he was ok!
Derek on the way to the rodeo - eating a cookie from Auntie Lins. Yum.

Mauri, Lins and Aubrey. I thought this picture was so cute!! This was Mauri's first rodeo, too, and I think she had a great time.
Natalie and Livvy! Me, Lins and Nat were remembering one time when we were little and we brought a red flag with us to the rodeo - we planned on waving it at the bulls! Fun memories! It's so fun that we can all bring our kids to stuff like this now and share our fun traditions with them!
Me, Ashley and Derek! Ashley loves Derek, she is so sweet to him! She wanted him to sit on her lap all night!
Erica and Casey! Cute cute!


The Perkins Fam said...

Hey I thought you said that picture was cute? AAAAAHHHHH!!! Maybe next year it won't be so hot!! I kept thinking Michael was going to have heat stroke!