Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

Halloween is one of my favorite Holidays! We all went to my moms in the afternoon for our annual sugar cookie decorating party followed by sloppy joes!
Scooter was very excited to be a pumpkin again! He told us a few months before Halloween that he wanted to be a pumpkin! ...And he really was excited, even though he looks sort of serious in this picture!
A cute pumpkin & a darling witch! After we decorated cookies we went with Lins & Glendon to trick or treat in their neighborhood. All of the neighbors lined up down the street, under canopies, (which was great since it was cold & raining!) and the kiddos went trick or treating from person to person! Ry & Gman took the kiddos to a few houses too, once the rain let up a little bit!
After trick or treating we played at Lindsay & Glendon's house for a while! It was a really fun night, & Scooter has already asked me if it is time to go trick or treating again!


Fuller Family said...

Amber: I never coment but I look at your blog all the time,I love seeing your little family and all the fun this you guys do. Derek is so cute! I just thought I'd say Hi!

Alli, James, and Kobe Jung said...

Man, I love and miss this little boy so much!! I miss you guys and I cannot believe the next time I'll see you, there will be FOUR! Yay!! Love you guys so much.:)