Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Early Birthday Present!

A few weekends ago we headed to St. George to the Tuacahn to see one of my favorite musicals: Crazy for You! It was an early birthday present for me! I first saw this musical when I was in high school & I have the cd. It's a Gershwin musical & just so much fun!!! My mom has been wanting to go to the Tuacahn for years, & we were so glad they were able to come too!! At first we were planning on taking 2 cars, but at the last minute we decided to try & squish into one car! It was actually really fun to ride together - and wasn't as squishy as we had thought it would be!

Here are Ry & Derek in my moms car!
Scooter did great during the musical! This is the second time we've taken him to the Tuacahn & he loves going to "concerts." He fell asleep in the car on the way back to the hotel & didn't wake up at all when Ry picked him up & brought him inside! I don't think he stirred at all until around 7:30 when he climbed up to snuggle with us!
Some pictures we took outside our hotel!

We had so much fun! I think this should become a yearly tradition! ...Next year we'll have to make sure the rest of the family can come too!!


Angela said...

I love the Tuacahn. It's so much fun! Sounds like a good play to see.