Thursday, February 18, 2010


I love to read and often I read something and think to myself, "that is something that Everyone should read!" That is the case with this story I read a little over a week ago. I read about this family and I haven't been able to stop thinking about them. Their little boy almost drowned and it was heartbreaking to read his mother's words as they watched and waited in the hospital. But it also strengthened my faith as I read her words of hope - her words describing how they knew that faith and fear couldn't exist in them at the same time - so they were choosing faith. Her words touched my heart! And as I read through the hundreds of comments left by friends and strangers alike, my faith was strengthened even more! I read words such as: "We do not know you, but our entire family is praying for you," & "Our kids fasted for you today," & "I don't usually pray, but I'm praying for your little boy."

I couldn't help praying for that little boy and his family too. And I felt SO happy when they posted pictures of him waking up from his coma, sitting up, smiling and getting better. I feel really grateful to this family for sharing such a personal experience. It has served as a HUGE reminder for me. It has reminded me what is really important, and to savor every day with my little Scooter Boy! It has reminded me of the power of faith and prayers, and of how God really is in the details of our lives. And also, what it means to bear each others burdens. I'm so grateful that we have a Heavenly Father who is so aware of each of us, and who loves us more than we can comprehend.

Trust me when I say this is a story that Everyone should read!!

(Click HERE to see a beautiful video of this cute little boy & his experience, or HERE for their blog - you can scroll down & read the whole story!)


The Perkins Fam said...

I've been reading through this and it is amazing. I just cry and cry!!

Amber Miyake said...

I'm so glad you read it! It's so good, huh?! I cried too!! I couldn't imagine being in her shoes...and then I cried cause I was so happy that he was getting better...and when I read how other people were strengthened by this experience! :) So glad you read it Nat! :)