We hope that everyone had a very merry Christmas!! We slept over at my mom & dads with all of my siblings! It was so fun! Being with family is one of my most favorite things about Christmas! We missed being with our family in Missouri - but were so glad we could still see them on the web-cam!
Scooter chillin' with his daddy! These boys are just the Best! (this is one of my favorite pictures!)Cousins! Scooter & Mar had so much fun playing together on Christmas Eve & Christmas! And it is just so fun to be with kiddos on Christmas morning!
Even London (Aubrey & Tyler's dog) came to join in the fun! Here she is giving Aubs a high-five!
Time for Christmas jammies! ....Don't worry mom, I can cut the tag off by myself! (and he did!)
The kiddos were excited to have matching Perry pants!
Christmas hugs!
After the kiddos were asleep on Christmas Eve - and while we were waiting for Santa to come- Erica hid in this big box and we asked my mom to come into the kitchen. Erica popped out of the box and scared my mom SO bad!! I feel kind of bad saying that I couldn't stop laughing...but it was pretty funny!
Christmas morning!! It was such a blast to watch the kiddos open their presents & just have fun! Scooter was so excited about each of his presents!! This is the cute kitchen that Santa brought to him! I have a feeling we're going to have lots of fun with this!!
My mom made me & all of my sisters a beautiful quilt! Erica knew that Me, Lins & Aubs were getting a quilt, but she didn't know that she was too! She was so excited when she opened it (we all were!)!! I love her face & Scooter's face in this picture!!
The girls!!
We were all so dang excited about our quilts! Lins was saying that gifts from the heart are the ones that mean the most, and it is SO true!! I just love this quilt- and it is so soft to snuggle up with!! Plus, I love it even more because my mom made it for me- so it's like snuggling up with it is like getting a big hug from her! Our traditional Christmas morning breakfast!! I asked Scooter if he wanted a scone, and he said: "I don't like scones....Mom, do I like scones?!" He took a big bite of a scone with honey butter & the verdict was: "Mom, I like scones!!"
We all played together on Christmas morning, and as you can tell from this picture, we were tired by the time we headed home! It was a good kind of tired, though! I'm so glad we were able to spend Christmas with family - to just be together and have fun, feel good, and remember the greatest gift of the Savior's birth.
Since he had a nap on the way home, Scooter was re-charged and ready to play when we got home! He had so much fun talking to all of our family in Missouri on the web cam and opening the fun presents they sent! (I have more cute pictures of the fun stuff they sent!! All I can say is we have a VERY talented and thoughtful family!!)
This was a cute hat that he got from Erica & Chris! He wanted to sleep with it on.I kept meaning to ask someone to take a picture of the three of us- and I kept forgetting!! So Ryan took this picture when we got home!
I love my sweet family so much!! And I feel like the luckiest person ever because our family in Utah and in Missouri are just the BEST!! I'm so glad for the fun times that we get to have together celebrating different occasions & just enjoying each other!! And I feel especially grateful for the Savior- and His birth, life and death. I'm so thankful that He makes all things possible, and so grateful for how Christmas reminds me that we are the happiest when we have His spirit in our home!! I really hope that we can make this coming year one where we focus on the Savior & do more to remember Him & try harder to be like Him!!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Merry Christmas!
Posted by Amber Miyake at 8:52 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Boys Night!
On December 4th, Ryan took Scooter to a BYU basketball game at Energy Solutions Arena. Scooter was so excited to go- and asked about it for several days until it was "the day!" Here are the boys all ready to go! ...and of course puppy went too!Buddies! Scooter just adores his daddy (for obvious reasons!) and LOVES any time they get to hang out together!!
Taking in all of the action!
Worn out from all the fun!
Posted by Amber Miyake at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Baby Belly!
I keep forgetting to take pictures of my baby belly! But here are a few pictures!
This is 35 weeks!27 weeks!
20 weeks!
We are so excited to meet this little guy!!
Posted by Amber Miyake at 7:58 PM 2 comments
Saturday, December 11, 2010
I love Thanksgiving! I think that having a gratitude attitude makes a huge difference in how happy we are - and I'm glad there's a Holiday that helps me remember how many things I am truly grateful for! After we had dinner at my moms house, we went around the room and everyone mentioned a few things they were thankful for. It was fun to hear what everyone said, and I liked how the things they mentioned reminded me of even more things I am grateful for!
A few weeks before Thanksgiving, I saw this fun cornucopia in the Family Fun magazine, and even though I don't sew, I decided to try and make one for Scooter! I was pretty happy with how the cornucopia and all of the little vegetables turned out! And I had a lot of fun sewing them! (boy was I surprised! ha ha!)This is Derek giving Erica one of his famous running hugs!!
The kiddos played with this box for such a long time! There is just something magical about boxes!!
The Saturday after Thanksgiving, Lins, Glendon, Mar, Erica and Chris came to our house and we went to see "Tangled" together! We loved it! It was such a fun, cute movie!! After the movie we played at our house for a while, and Mar & Scooter made these cute reindeer!
Those cute kiddo smiles make me SO happy!!
Posted by Amber Miyake at 10:10 AM 1 comments
Friday, December 10, 2010
Such a sweet boy!
Scooter Boy really, really loves his daddy, and he usually asks me several times a day if it is dinner time yet, because he knows that daddy will be home at dinner time! Yesterday we had this cute conversation:
Scooter: "When will daddy be home?"
Me: "At dinnertime!"
Scooter: "That is the perfect gift!"
I thought that was so cute!! I wish I could take a picture of his face every day when Ryan comes home! He is so thrilled, and you can tell it's his favorite time of the day!! What a sweet boy! ...and a sweet daddy too!!
Posted by Amber Miyake at 11:04 AM 1 comments
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Grandma and Grandpa!
We were so excited to have Grandma and Grandpa visit in November! We had a blast with them, and every morning Scooter would ask me when Grandma was coming over!!
Grandma and Scooter read lots of books together!Just hanging out!
Even though Grandma's birthday was in October, Scooter wanted to make a cake and sing to her! So we made a cake & Scooter decorated it!!
We went to a fun new park by Grandma & Grandpa's hotel!
We love you Grandma & Grandpa!
Goodbye kisses.
We all had so much fun with Grandma and Grandpa, and Scooter was especially sad when it was time for them to go home! We're so glad we have the web cam though - what a great way to keep in touch!
Posted by Amber Miyake at 7:31 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Happy Halloween!!
Halloween is one of my favorite Holidays! We all went to my moms in the afternoon for our annual sugar cookie decorating party followed by sloppy joes!Scooter was very excited to be a pumpkin again! He told us a few months before Halloween that he wanted to be a pumpkin! ...And he really was excited, even though he looks sort of serious in this picture!
A cute pumpkin & a darling witch! After we decorated cookies we went with Lins & Glendon to trick or treat in their neighborhood. All of the neighbors lined up down the street, under canopies, (which was great since it was cold & raining!) and the kiddos went trick or treating from person to person! Ry & Gman took the kiddos to a few houses too, once the rain let up a little bit!
After trick or treating we played at Lindsay & Glendon's house for a while! It was a really fun night, & Scooter has already asked me if it is time to go trick or treating again!
Posted by Amber Miyake at 11:00 AM 2 comments
Sunday, November 7, 2010
We Love Pumpkins!
We love fall! It is one of my favorite times of the year! I just love the leafs changing, pumpkins, Halloween, etc! It's so fun! A few weeks ago we went to a pumpkin patch with my mom & Erica!
Right away Scooter picked out a pumpkin that was just his size! We also saw lots of cute baby animals- you can see the little goats behind Scooter! They were cracking us up! They were running & jumping, and one of them kept jumping up on the momma goats back! So Funny!Baby Llama!
Baby Kangaroo!
Scooter & Mommy!
One pumpkin wasn't quite enough, so Scooter picked out another little one (a gourd actually!)... and then one more after that!
Me & Erica!
Playing in the corn! This was so cool - it reminded me of a big sandbox but with corn instead of sand! Derek loved it!
Erica & Scooter on the hay ride! Erica was such a good sport to take Derek on the wagon! She needed to head to UVU to finish some homework, but came to the pumpkin patch with us first! ...What we didn't know was that the hay ride was a Long hayride, & my mom & I kept saying that we hoped Er was okay, since she needed to get to school! When the wagon finally came back, she was (of course!) still smiling & said she was happy to take him! What a Sweetie!
Feet! I really don't know what the deal is, but I just love kiddo feet! I just think they are cute!
A few days before Halloween we carved our pumpkins! Ryan & Derek's turned out so great! Derek had a little help from Ry! ...Maybe next year I'll ask Ryan for some help too! Mine turned out okay, but I messed up a little! Woops! At least it was fun!
Posted by Amber Miyake at 2:40 PM 3 comments