Saturday, October 31, 2009

Fall Festival 2009!

We really look forward to the fall festival every year! It's such a fun activity! And this year all of my sisters came with us! Here are Tyler & Aubrey, a.k.a "Medusa."
Happy little punkin' boy! We originally thought Scooter was going to be Elmo for Halloween, but when we tried the hat on him he said he didn't like it. I was afraid he wouldn't want to dress up in a costume, but then he saw the pumpkin suit and he wanted to put it on! We tried it on the night before the party, and the next day he asked all day if it was time to wear his costume yet!
Lindsay - a.k.a Frodo!
"Don't worry Derek, I'll hold your hand & show you where to go!" Aren't cousins great?!
Got a ring pop, yay!
Scooter & his good buddy, Mason!
Lins, Aubs, Erica and Me! I love that my sisters like to dress up! We have so much fun together!!
Two happy kiddos! The day after the party, Scooter told me that he wanted to go to the party again!


Melissa said...

You were so smart to bring your camera to the event. I love that so many of you dressed up - good times!