Friday, August 8, 2008

Edible Playdough!

I have been wanting to try edible playdough for a while, but I wasn't sure if Scooter would really want to play with it! So we decided to make some this morning - and he loved it! It was so fun to watch him. I got out some cookie cutters and showed him how to smash the playdough and then press the cookie cutter into it, and he did exactly that right after I showed him! He had a really fun time playing with, and eating, the playdough. It actually tasted pretty good (yep, I tried some too!). I think he kind of got a kick out of it, that he could play with it and eat it too! (Just fyi, the recipe I used was: 1 cup peanut butter, 1/2 cup honey and 2 cups powdered sugar. Actually, I halfed that recipe because we didn't need that much!)


Brian and Amelia said...

How fun! I remember making that when I was little, and loving to eat it! You are such a great mom! Thanks for the recipe, I need to try it with Colin.

Brooke said...

What a great idea. I've never even thought of edible play dough before. Thanks!