Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Day at the Beach!

 Hooray for the beach! Our first day at Disneyland Lins talked to this family in front of us in line & they told us that Huntington Beach would be a great beach to visit - and they were right! It was great! I was a little surprised at how fast Mauri and Derek hopped into the water! It was overcast and the water was pretty chilly, but they were so excited - and the cold didn't seem to bother them at all!

 Cooper loved playing in the sand! He got in the water too- but it was a little too cold for him! He would see the waves coming up and he would run away!

 Derek loved the beach! When we were getting ready to come home at the end of our vacation, he asked if we could go to the beach one more time before going home!

 That night we had dinner at the Rainforest Cafe!  It was very fun - I couldn't believe all of the decorations! Vines and stuff hanging from the ceiling and lots of mechanical animals that moved and made noise! It was really fun! Derek and Mauri were both excited to be here- Mar just didn't want to smile for the picture, haha!
 So happy! He's such a little trooper - he was pretty much this happy the entire vacation! He is so good to just go with the flow! He's so easy going & happy!
 This was an awesome dessert that we all shared - it was called the volcano! Yummmm! I thought it was so funny because on the menu it said that 2 or more could share it....I can't imagine if only 2 people were eating it- we couldn't even finish it between four adults and three kids, haha!
 The whole gang! I really like this picture! We all had so much fun -and we would totally go on vacation with Lins, Gman and Mauri again! It was so fun because they are a lot of fun to be with and very easy going!!