Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Happiest Place on Earth: Take One!

 We have been so excited these past few months as we have planned our trip to Disneyland! We went with Lins, Gman and Mauri - and we had such a fantastic time! We told the kiddos where we were going the day before we left - and they were SO excited! Krikey, all the grown ups were pretty excited too!! Here is Derek - all set to go! 

And here is the car...all ready to go! Ryan and Glendon kept giving me and Lins a hard time about all of the "crap" we packed - but I think our motto was "Be prepared!" haha!
 Two sweet boys ready to hit the road!
 We made an overnight stop in St. George the first night! Lins and Gman let us stay at his Grandparents house with them! We had fun swimming and playing around - and it was great not to have to make that LOOOOOOOOONG drive all in one day!
 Ready to swim!
 "I'm not so sure about swimming!"
 Look at those beautiful blue eyes! She's such a cutie!
 And here we are in California- ready to go to Disneyland! YAY! We were so excited! And it was the greatest thing to go there with our Kiddos! Disneyland really is a magical place - I love it!!
 We were so lucky because there were hardly any lines the whole time we were there! This was one of our first rides - and one of Cooper J's favorites- the finding Nemo submarine!
 Love, love that smile!!
 Driving around on Autopia!
 Good driving!!
 "Hey! I wanna drive too!"
 Cooper wasn't so sure about this rocket ride....But he still had fun!
 I love this picture!!!!!
 Eating a pretzel shaped like Mickey!
 Two pirates in training! Arrrrggh!
 The kids got along so well - we were really proud of them!!
 Riding the train!
 So Much Fun!!
After our first day in Disneyland, we were asking everyone what their favorite ride was - Mauri and Derek said "The Crazy Train" (aka Big Thunder Mountain Railway) was their favorite ride!! Everyone had such a GREAT day! We could not wait to head back the next day!!


Anne Burnett said...

Super duper fun! I remember when we took our girls to the circus a few years ago, and even that was so magical - there are some things every child should have the opportunity to experience. :)