Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Let it Snow!

In the first part of November we had a really good snowstorm! The little hill in the backyard is perfect for sledding down! ...And of course Ry thought it was super funny that he captured this picture for posterity! haha! What can I say though?! It was so slippery! I told Derek to hold my hand and so he wouldn't slip and then I totally slipped -and pulled him right down with me! It was pretty funny!
We had so much fun sledding and making snowballs and just playing! Cooper kept watching through the back door window and he had a look on his face like 'why am I not out there with you guys?'

I love this picture! Snow is so fun and magical!


Fuller Family said...

So much fun!! I miss snow until I realize it comes with COLD! I'm sending out chrsitmas cards could you send me your address?
