Thursday, August 25, 2011

Scooter's Prayer

Derek is such a fun, sweet boy! One night he wanted a glass of milk, and then he said: "Mom, we're supposed to pray, even for milk!" I think it's great anytime he wants to pray - so I said, Sure, go ahead! This was his cute prayer: ..."Dear Heavenly Father, I'm glad Mom let me have some milk, and we're glad I could play a game on Dad's phone... and we're glad Dad could come home from basketball safely."
He is just SO much fun! He is always keeping us laughing with the things he says! One night he told me this story:
"Once upon a time there was a little boy named Scooter and a little girl Mauri and they went to Lagoon. They rode on sharks - and the sharks began to turn into BIG HUGE Dragons!! And they drove and drove and drove in their vehicles..."

Oh krikey - can I just tell you how much we enjoy this kiddo?!