Wednesday, August 17, 2011

7 Months Old and Growing Fast!

Cooper is 7 months old! I can't believe he's so big already! A few weeks before he turned 7 months old- he had his 6 month check up! He was 17.3 pounds and 27 1/2 inches tall! This little dude is sitting up by himself! He surprised me one day when I left him in the front room laying on his tummy - and I came back and he was sitting up!! I had no idea how he did that himself! He has been crawling all around too! He was mostly army crawling- but the past few days he's been crawling a lot with his tummy off the ground! And...he is also pulling himself up to stuff! He's always standing up in his crib when we go to get him up from his naps! He's so cute - and I just can't believe how fast he's growing! I think he wants to run and keep up with Scooter Boy!
These two are such great buddies! Scooter is so kind to Cooper - he will share his toys with him, play with him, watch that he doesn't get things he shouldn't - and he even let Cooper hold puppy! One of my favorite things is watching them laugh together! Scooter will start laughing about something and then Cooper will laugh because Scooter is laughing -it is very contagious!

Cooper J. keeps pulling these really funny faces lately!
We love his smile! Cooper is such a sweet little kiddo - we feel so LUCKY that we get to have him in our family!


Katie and Matt said...

He is so cute! And so big! I wish I could be there to squish him! Love you and miss you!