Saturday, May 7, 2011

Eggs, eggs and more eggs!!

Hunting for Easter eggs is one of Scooter's all time favorite things to do! He was looking forward to the Easter egg hunt at Nana and Papa's SO much!! He and Mauri had a blast, and both of them had a TON of eggs by the end of the day!!

He would shake each egg when he found it, and then put it in his bucket! He's such a cute kid, and he's so great at just enjoying the moment- whatever the moment is! He really helps me to take time and just enjoy whatever it is we're doing!!

Zoe in her snuggy- so she wouldn't get cold outside! haha!
Easter Morning! The night before, Scooter asked us to hide more Easter eggs- so we hid the eggs he found at Nana & Papa's. He was SO excited when we told him that we hid more eggs! He looked and looked for the eggs before he even noticed the Easter baskets!!
Looking for Easter eggs... or as Scooter calls them "Easter Hunt Eggs!" Oh boy, we love this kid!
Opening (!) his eggs and checking out his Easter basket!
Ready for church! Cooper had an Easter outfit too- he's just not wearing it in this picture!
After church we colored hard boiled eggs. This was the first time we did this with Scooter and he Loved it! (of course!) He did really great too! He followed all the instructions we gave him & we didn't have any spills or major messes or anything! Fun times!!

And just in case he didn't get enough sugar yet, here he is eating a yummy Easter cupcake that our cute neighbor brought to us! :)
We had a really fun Easter - and a great time leading up to Easter too, with all of our activities and lessons! We talked about Easter for a few weeks in family home evening, and we were so happy because after we told Derek the story about how Jesus was resurrected, he repeated the story back to us! I'm so grateful that we can teach our sweet kiddos the things that are so important!! They learn so quickly and are such great examples to us! And I'm so grateful for Jesus and that He was resurrected. I'm so thankful that because of Him we can have hope and happiness!!