Sunday, May 2, 2010

I looked out the window & what did I see... wasn't popcorn popping on the apricot tree today! Ha ha! This is actually what it looked like on Friday morning, and Saturday morning too! Scooter was excited to shovel the snow, though. And to be honest, I don't really mind when it snows - even this late in the year - (unless we have some outdoor fun planned!), because at this point you know it won't last long, and for some reason I have always loved the snow! So it's just like you get one (or two, or three...) last glimpse of winter until it snows again in October!
I thought these clouds looked cool!
Shoveling the snow!

I haven't heard of shoveling snow onto the sidewalk before...Ha ha! By the time he was done there were little tiny piles of snow all the way down the sidewalk!


Katie and Matt said...

HAHA LOL! That is hilarious! The piles are all neat and uniform as well! What a crack up! Glad he finds joy in all the little things! Hope all is well with you guys. Miss you!