Saturday, June 20, 2009

Now That's Flattery!

One of the magazines I subscribe to is Shape magazine. One day Scooter pointed to the girl on the front and said "Mommy!" I can't even remember who was on the cover, but I remember looking at it and thinking, Oh - she's pretty! It was very flattering! However, I'm not sure if I can trust Scooter's opinion - because a few days ago he was sitting on my lap and he saw a picture of me, pointed at it and said "Monkey!" Hmmmm....


The Perkins Fam said...

That is SO funny!!! It's also funny that my word verification to leave this comment is carbs since you blogged about Shape magazine.

Amber Miyake said...

Tee hee! It is funny, huh?! And that's interesting that your word verification was "carbs." :) Maybe it's a sign I'm supposed to eat a bowl of cereal right now! ha ha! :)