Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Halloween.. in April!

Halloween is one of my very favorite Holidays! Derek and Coop really like it too! This year Derek picked to dress up as the Red Power Ranger, and Coop was Mike from Monsters Inc. I love these cute boys so much!

 We also had a lot of fun at the pumpkin patch picking out pumpkins!

Hmmm...I think we'll go make pumpkin cookies now, even though it's April, haha!!


Unknown said...

healthy tested recipes Trick or treat is usually one among the incredibly beloved Breaks! Derek in addition to House appreciate the item far too! This holiday season Derek harvested to help dress for the reason that Reddish colored Electric power Ranger, in addition to House seemed to be Scott by Monsters Inc. I adore most of these lovely children a whole lot!

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