Monday, January 2, 2012

The Elf Mailbox!

This year Derek wrote his very first letter to Santa! It was one of the cutest things I've ever seen! The number one thing he asked Santa for was a fan - like a little folding fan- because he got one when we went bowling, and it broke. I thought that was so sweet that he asked for something so small and simple! He also asked for a toy house, and a real dog. I explained to him that Santa might not be able to bring a real dog because we can't have dogs where we live, and he said "Well....we're going to be at Nanny and Papa's house for Christmas, and they have a dog- Zoe!" haha! I thought that was pretty good logic!

We were going to send Derek's Santa letter in the mail, then we heard about a very cool "Elf Mailbox." Derek put his letter to Santa in the box at night, and Santa's helpers took it away and left a small surprise for Derek and Cooper!
Derek helping Cooper unwrap his present!
Hey, this is fun!

Santa was so nice and actually left Derek's letter in his stocking on Christmas Eve ( I think he knew that I really wanted to keep it!)- and he wrote a little note back to Derek!


Katie and Matt said...

What a great idea! I'll have to steal that when Eli starts wanting to write Santa. And P.S. both of the boys look so big. I expect that from Derek, but Cooper is starting to look like a toddler. When did that happen? We need to see you guys soon! :)

:) said...

So cute! You are so creative Amber! You seriously have the cutest ideas. Those are some lucky boys! I agree with katie, they both are getting so big! And they both look so cute...I miss you guys!