Monday, December 7, 2009

Let It Snow!

Scooter Boy loves to be outside, and today Daddy came home with a new coat, boots & some snow pants, (for Scooter), so we had to test them out! They are a little bit big, but not so big that they won't work! At first we couldn't get him to try on the pants, and then Ry told him that they could go outside & shovel if he put his snow clothes on! His face lit up & he said "Ok!" I couldn't help thinking of "A Christmas Story" when we were getting him dressed..."I can't put my arms down!" ha ha!
He was really excited to go outside with Daddy for a little while...
...Even though it was cold & dark!
My boys- they are just the greatest!!


Katie and Matt said...

He looks so cute!

Amber Miyake said...

Thank you so much!! :) We think so too!! :)